
Transformational Online Programs & Teacher Trainings

Transformational, unique and customized to your needs

Divine Feminine Alchemy

The Feminine Leadership Training

The Golden Shadow Work & Play Book

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Ecstatic Retreats

And this is just the beginning!

Alchemized Retreat Nov´24

1:1 Retreats

Transformational, unique and customized to your needs

1:1 Private Customized Retreats

Healing Grief Retreat

Cooperate and Private Group Retreats

Late Summer Poem

She is the Muse Retreat

Yoga & Detox Retreats

Pearl of the Adria Retreat 

Feminine Leadership Training Retreat

Alchemized Retreat Nov´24

She is the Muse Retreat

Yoga & Detox Retreats

Feminine Leadership Training Retreat

Feminine Embodiment

Embody your feminine energy, connect with your inner goddess, rlease liming beliefs and step into your new self-love era.

Divine Feminine Alchemy

Waitinglist: The Feminine Leadership Teacher Training

The Golden Shadow Work & Play Book

Download my free feminiene energy guide

Unique Handmade Collectors Items

Handmade Couture To Inspire Your Inner Goddess

Ready to thrive in your feminine energy and unblock your hidden potential? 


Get your hands on my FREE must-have resource to connect with your feminine energy and trhive now. 

Get your hands on my FREE must-have resource to connect with your feminine energy and trhive now. 


I am Tosca

Hi there

Tosca is a feminine empowerment and embodiment coach, as well as a 500-hour yoga alliance certified yoga teacher with years of teaching experience, who helped many women over the last years in gaining more self-love, joy, and pleasure in their lives. 

Trauma can negatively influence our physical, emotional, and mental health, as well as have a significant and long-lasting effect on our lives.

However, there is hope for rehabilitation and healing, and the power of touch is a potent instrument in this process.

How to handle the pain-body in relationships

Last year I wrote this article:

6 eye-opening signs of the pain-body that you should know

so if you haven´t read it yet, I highly recommend you to read it before you dive into this article here about how to handle the pain-body in relationships.


While relationships may bring about a lot of happiness and pleasure, they can also bring about heartache and suffering. The presence of the pain-body is one of the primary causes of this pain. The accumulation of previous emotional suffering that we carry with us and might rekindle in current relationships is what Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher, refers to as the “pain-body.” But how can we manage our grief and strengthen our bonds?

Become aware of your pain-body

Understanding the pain body is the first step in dealing with it. When you experience relationship triggers, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings as they arise. 

Recognize that these emotions may be influenced by past experiences and grief rather than being full established in the present. In order to comprehend the source of the pain and how to alleviate it, self-awareness is essential.

pain-body relationships

Taking responsability for your pain-body

It’s crucial to accept responsibility for your pain-body after you’ve become aware of it. Realize that you are the one who is experiencing this agony and that it is ultimately up to you to bring about its healing. Recognizing that you are the one with the ability to alter your emotional state does not entail placing blame or shame on yourself.

Through techniques for emotional release including ecstatic dancing, writing, and counseling, one may manage the pain-body. You may fully express and let go of suppressed emotions, such as grief and suffering, via ecstatic dancing. Writing in a journal can help you identify the source of your pain, and therapy can be a useful tool for assisting you in resolving the underlying problems that are producing the pain in your body.

How do I noramlly cope with my pain-body?

Self-examination and mindfulness techniques are other strategies to manage the pain body. 

You may begin to heal and let go of your pain by taking the time to consider the cause of your suffering and comprehend where it originates from. 

Meditation and other mindfulness techniques can also assist you in staying in the present moment and avoiding dwelling on the past.

Emotional Freedom yoga retreat

pain-body relationships

We use a range of techniques and methods to support people in managing their pain-body and enhancing their relationships during our retreats. 

We provide a safe, secure, and encouraging place where you may examine and process your emotions while also learning useful techniques for dealing with the pain-body. 

Join us for a retreat if you’re ready to start the process of healing and enhancing your relationships. You’ll be amazed at the impact it can make.

I wish you lots of awareness.


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Are you ready to take your life, your yoni and your feminine energy to the next level?

A 6 month deep soul journey back into your body, into your feminine wisdom, self-love, pleasure and deep transformation.

Fully step into your feminine energy and power

Learn to embody & express your authentic self, Build Confidence and Empowerment

Explore your pleasure, sensuality and self-love

learn more

Hi, I´m Tosca. Your New Self-discovery and Feminine Embodiment Coach

I am committed to guiding and empowering you on your transformative journey, offering my expertise and unwavering support along the way. I am specializing in balancing the sacred feminine & the sacred masculine, Tao Tantra for Women, and sacred sexuality. With private mentorships, retreats and group coaching, she empowers individuals to embrace their essence and experience profound personal growth.

Learn more


You deserve a life of meaning, passion, and purpose. Go and take the leap and break up with conditions, societal pressures, get to know and tame your pain-body and inner critic and let your inner artist come fully to life.

Explore Retreats


GET MY FREE Awaken Your Feminine Energy Guide &  WORKBOOK

"Seriously the best decision to go on Tosca´s Retreat. Just do it."

I can’t begin to describe what a transformative week I had with Tosca at the private retreats. I ended up receiving so much more than I ever expected.

In Tosca’s capable hands, I was given a unique opportunity to challenge some of the long-held ideas and beliefs about myself that I didn’t even know I was carrying. I was provided a safe space to grieve and heal from wounds I thought were long buried. I was offered, patiently and consistently, an open and accepting heart as she gently guided me through a very difficult transition in my life.
I am grateful for her willingness to listen and hold space for me with so much love and compassion. Tosca truly has an exquisite gift and I highly recommend one of her retreats. If it doesn’t transform the way you approach your spirituality entirely, it will, at the very least, shift your perceptions of your deepest self and the way you view the world. You will leave with the feeling that your very soul was both heard and loved.

Paige, 1:1 private retreat


"Tosca creates the most welcoming non-judgmental environment. I walked away knowing that I am enough and that I will always have unconditional love within myself."

Branda, Self-love 1:1 Private Retreat


Branda, Self-love 1:1 Private Retreat


We covered so many aspects including limiting beliefs, emotional alchemy, shadow work. This was truly eye opening. I walked away knowing that I am enough and that I will always have unconditional love within myself. I don’t need to try and find it and approval in another person. I can be me and that is wonderful!

I really enjoyed waking my inner goddess. I have stuffed my inner goddess down for years. I have not truly let her out. With Tosca’s help through meditation and exercises. I was able to see her for the first time in a long time. I need to remember she is always there and let her out! I recognize she is truly beautiful, fun and adventurous.

I was carrying so much hurt and pain. This was causing my energy to be blocked. Tosca showed me through meditation and letting go exercises, I was able to release some of this hurt.
I enjoyed the Cacao ceremony. It really brought together all the sessions into a final ceremony that left a lifelong impression on me. I felt amazing at the end of the retreat. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Tosca also set up a Sound Healing for me which felt good. It really helped keep my energies flowing and focus on the me that is going to love herself going forward.

I would highly recommend this retreat for any woman that needs to remember who she is and that she is loved! Tosca creates the most welcoming non-judgmental environment. The accommodations were beautiful, warm and inviting. The food was amazing, beautiful and very healthy. a space where everyone can share, and everyone can heal.

"Tosca makes you feel so loved, seen, understood and felt"

We felt very encouraged by Tosca and each other. Tosca really supported us during the whole process. She shows a lot of compassion, especially for the ones needing more support. She was able to give each and every one of us what we needed from this program.

I went through a lot of feelings during this time, I connected to my soft energy, as well as to my powerful energy. This program is a space to really be open, to share, and to show, what is inside. Tosca really supports us to be open and to look inside, because sometimes it is scary to go through that process, to be ourselves, or to express ourselves and I think it's not an easy job to create a space where everyone can share, and everyone can heal.

Lin, Women of the wild retreat


"This retreat was everything that I needed and wished for and so much more."

Tosca, I want to thank you for this wonderful retreat and your coaching. It was all about the feminine energy, and you took care of each one of us. I was able to discover my soft energy, as well as my own power. we experienced true togetherness and you took care of us at all times. I really, really enjoyed being here and I opened my heart, I could really show some intimate things about myself feeling completely safe and supported. For this, I want to thank you, from all of my heart.

Miriam, group retreat


Transformational Retreas, that change your life.
You deserve a life of meaning, passion, and purpose. 
Are you ready to feel yourself fully and step into you?

i want to join

& come back HOME to YOURSELF


Book your group or private retreat, coaching or online group program here. Just dm me.

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